Starter Area
The Starter Area , also called the Overworld , is where all players start when they join Bubble Gum Simulator. It contains the first Sell Area, Gum Store , and Eggs available to players, as well as portals to every Earth Island players have unlocked. Collectible coins are scattered on the ground throughout this area. In the center of the world is a giant trampoline surrounded by a lake, which players can use to help jump to the next island, The Floating Island .
In Update 46, it included the Top 3 Hatcher Players and Bubbler Players that stand beside the corresponding Leader Boards.
To the right, near the Void portal, there is a VIP Section that can be purchased for 349 .
The following Eggs can be purchased with coins , gems , or .
These eggs can hatch the following:
Event Eggs
These eggs were added to the game temporarily and could have been purchased in the Starter Area.
31.98872% Sweet BunnyCommon +24 x21 x32 27.3% Sweet MouseCommon +28 x34 x22 20% Sweet WolfUnique +54 x30 x44 12.5% Lovely FoxRare +75 x82 x92 6% Heartful DragonEpic +110 x110 x145 2% Heartful AngelEpic +165 x210 x225 0.2% Love BirdsLegendary +425 x555 x925 x275 0.01% Lovely MarshmallowLegendary +965 x3,125 x2,775 x965 0.00125% ValentiumLegendary +1,850 x5,555 x6,250 x1,250 3e-05% Soul HeartLegendary +3,150 x7,750 x15,555 x3,333
34% Lucky KittyCommon +27 x24 x35 31.36% Lucky BunnyCommon +32 x36 x28 16% Lucky DeerUnique +60 x47 x49 13% Lucky SharkRare +81 x95 x105 4% Lucky DragonEpic +125 x110 x155 1.5% Lucky UnicornEpic +185 x235 x245 0.125% Lucky MarshmallowLegendary +475 x655 x1,215 x335 0.01% Lucky PhoenixLegendary +1,050 x3,775 x3,175 x1,125 0.0013% Lucky OverlordLegendary +1,975 x5,975 x6,850 x1,375 1.8e-05% Pot O' GoldLegendary +3,750 x11,500 x17,777 x3,825
33.89% ThreeCommon +31 x32 x24 30% Zero #1Common +37 x23 x36 18% Zero #2Unique +65 x53 x55 15% CupcakeRare +101 x85 x115 2% Party DragonEpic +150 x135 x175 1% Party AngelEpic +215 x245 x295 0.1% 300m SerpentLegendary +555 x755 x1,325 x415 0.008% 300m ElementalLegendary +1,215 x4,150 x3,675 x1,225 0.00125% Queen OverlordLegendary +2,125 x6,375 x7,350 x1,515 1.66e-05% TrophyLegendary +4,150 x12,500 x19,250 x4,225
35.39% Blue EggCommon +34 x35 x27 26% Pink EggCommon +29 x39 x35 20% Uncommon EggUnique +71 x58 x60 16% ChickenRare +108 x92 x121 2% Easter BullEpic +185 x140 x190 0.5% Easter AngelEpic +245 x275 x225 0.1% Easter SerpentLegendary +625 x815 x1,450 x450 0.008% Easter DualcornLegendary +1,350 x3,800 x3,925 x1,375 0.001% Chocolate BunnyLegendary +2,525 x6,525 x7,750 x1,775 1.4e-05% Easter BasketLegendary +4,650 x14,200 x21,500 x4,750
32.28% Summer DoggyCommon +39 x40 x35 28% Summer BunnyCommon +41 x35 x32 22% Summer SharkUnique +82 x69 x65 15% Summer BatRare +135 x105 x142 2% Summer AngelEpic +255 x180 x260 0.5% Summer UnicornEpic +285 x310 x230 0.1% Summer SerpentLegendary +855 x1,050 x1,735 x555 0.01% Summer VirusLegendary +1,525 x4,100 x4,325 x1,555 0.001% Summer CerberusLegendary +2,925 x7,450 x8,545 x2,125 1.25e-05% Lord ShockLegendary +5,250 x14,900 x23,450 x5,555
37.39% Bronze DoggyCommon +45 x42 x39 28% Bronze KittyCommon +51 x41 x30 20% Silver BearUnique +95 x75 x71 12% Gold BullRare +155 x145 x135 1.5% Diamond DragonEpic +315 x215 x280 1% Diamond AngelEpic +355 x395 x225 0.1% Platinum CubeLegendary +975 x1,175 x1,895 x635 0.008% Platinum DualcornLegendary +1,825 x4,450 x4,715 x1,815 0.001% Platinum OverlordLegendary +3,250 x8,150 x9,175 x2,575 1.53e-05% KrakenLegendary +5,555 x17,750 x25,000 x5,975
37.39% Patriotic MouseCommon +55 x50 x42 28% Patriotic WolfCommon +62 x45 x35 20% Patriotic BullUnique +135 x85 x60 12% Patriotic FoxRare +195 x205 x160 1.5% Patriotic AngelEpic +425 x335 x385 1% Patriotic UnicornEpic +475 x505 x340 0.1% Patriotic OctopusLegendary +1,075 x1,285 x2,015 x775 0.008% Patriotic MarshLegendary +1,975 x4,650 x5,005 x2,010 0.001% Patriotic PenguinLegendary +3,475 x8,985 x9,715 x2,750 1.42e-05% Patriotic RobotLegendary +5,750 x20,000 x26,850 x6,250
31% Emerald DoggyCommon +155 x150 x260 25% Emerald KittyCommon +215 x235 x216 17% Amethyst BearUnique +355 x425 x465 14% Amethyst PenguinRare +435 x585 x515 8% Ruby AngelEpic +555 x685 x725 4% Ruby UnicornEpic +690 x795 x755 x525 0.005% Diamond CerberusLegendary +2,950 x6,950 x7,825 x2,395 0.0025% Diamond TamerLegendary +3,825 x7,500 x8,000 x3,150 2e-05% Ultimate TrophyLegendary +7,100 x21,500 x30,000 x8,000
31.98873% Pink Heart BalloonCommon +215 x235 x216 27.3% Red Heart BalloonCommon +235 x255 x230 20% Lovely BullUnique +355 x425 x465 12.5% Lovely OctopusRare +435 x585 x515 6% Love DucksEpic +595 x685 x725 2% Lovely UrchinEpic +750 x825 x795 0.225% Chocolate TrioLegendary +1,325 x3,150 x2,600 x1,350 0.01% Lovely OmenLegendary +3,350 x7,250 x8,225 x2,695 0.001% Valentine ShockLegendary +4,325 x7,950 x8,400 x3,380 2e-05% Eternal HeartLegendary +7,900 x23,000 x32,500 x8,600
32.98873% Ruby GemCommon +275 x295 x290 29.3% Emerald GemUnique +375 x465 x495 22.5% Sapphire GemRare +465 x615 x555 6% Royal CrownEpic +635 x785 x775 2% Diamond BeeEpic +825 x925 x845 0.2% Gloom SplitLegendary +1,520 x3,850 x3,450 x1,850 0.01% Crystal DefenderLegendary +3,550 x7,900 x8,725 x2,895 0.00125% Radiant ProtectorLegendary +4,625 x8,250 x9,240 x3,490 2e-05% Dark GuardianLegendary +8,000 x25,000 x31,500 x8,800 8e-06% Immortal OneLegendary +9,500 x34,000 x47,500 x11,000
30.943% 700M BullCommon +350 x365 x200 28% 700M BearCommon +370 x355 x255 25% 700M FoxUnique +555 x700 x475 10% 700M EncryptorRare +695 x810 x560 4% 700M AngelEpic +910 x1,005 x750 2% 700M DemonEpic +980 x1,150 x795 0.05% 700M WyvernLegendary +2,395 x5,500 x4,880 x2,275 0.005% Uranium HybridLegendary +4,555 x10,320 x11,005 x4,150 0.0015% Iridium PrismaLegendary +6,255 x12,550 x13,910 x5,995 1e-05% Immortal TrophyLegendary +12,995 x54,365 x61,555 x17,550
30.943% Winged DoggyCommon +370 x380 x250 28% Winged KittyCommon +390 x380 x245 25% Winged DeerUnique +565 x825 x595 10% DragonflyRare +750 x575 x390 4% Neon Sky BunnyEpic +955 x1,115 x795 2% Winged ChinchillaEpic +990 x1,000 x855 0.05% Sky ImpLegendary +2,500 x5,650 x5,000 x2,450 0.005% Cursed ScorpioLegendary +4,750 x10,650 x11,750 x4,300 0.0015% GlitchLegendary +6,450 x13,250 x14,280 x6,250 1e-05% PyramidiumLegendary +13,500 x57,500 x63,455 x18,150
30.943% Ruby DoggyCommon +400 x315 x340 x225 28% Sapphire KittyCommon +480 x585 x315 x255 25% Emerald BunnyUnique +755 x815 x670 x455 10% 800M CubeRare +855 x975 x740 x595 4% Amethyst DemonEpic +1,095 x1,485 x1,655 x870 2% Topaz AngelEpic +1,175 x1,650 x1,415 x915 0.05% 800M ButterflyLegendary +3,450 x7,125 x8,055 x2,640 0.005% Gem ShockLegendary +5,465 x14,210 x16,850 x5,895 0.001% Gem OverlordLegendary +8,000 x21,500 x24,500 x8,555 1.25e-05% Radiant OneLegendary +16,000 x59,995 x65,500 x19,950
30% Beach DoggyCommon +450 x595 x570 x265 26.987% Beach KittyCommon +460 x515 x585 x225 25% Pineapple BoiUnique +785 x1,000 x1,010 x455 15% StarfishRare +855 x1,105 x1,200 x495 2% King LobsterEpic +1,115 x2,135 x1,995 x990 1% King TurtleEpic +1,100 x1,650 x2,115 x955 0.01% Sandcastle DragonLegendary +5,000 x14,540 x17,155 x2,950 0.002% Lemonade MasterLegendary +7,450 x27,500 x30,360 x5,550 0.0005% BGS BucketLegendary +10,000 x37,550 x41,415 x8,100 1.665e-06% Strawberry Sundae ChampionLegendary +18,250 x77,777 x88,888 x25,910 1.665e-06% Chocolate Sundae ChampionLegendary +18,250 x77,777 x88,888 x25,910 1.665e-06% Vanilla Sundae ChampionLegendary +18,250 x77,777 x88,888 x25,910 1.665e-06% Mint Sundae ChampionLegendary +18,250 x77,777 x88,888 x25,910
30.944% Cartoon DoggyCommon +680 x980 x680 x230 28% Cartoon KittyCommon +900 x810 x760 x250 25% Cartoon DeerUnique +1,250 x1,490 x1,820 x685 10% 900M CubeRare +1,565 x2,350 x1,910 x790 4% Cartoon DragonEpic +1,875 x4,300 x3,750 x1,290 2% Cartoon UnihornEpic +2,000 x5,110 x3,195 x1,450 0.05% 900M SplitLegendary +6,850 x20,655 x23,900 x3,210 0.005% AdvocateLegendary +9,750 x36,200 x41,000 x6,650 0.00133% Cartoon HexariumLegendary +12,250 x47,210 x55,250 x9,000 6.66e-05% BGS PlaqueLegendary +33,550 x132,050 x136,310 x32,500 6.25e-06% Angelic Ghost SpiritLegendary +38,200 x153,225 x164,210 x42,500 6.25e-06% Demonic Ghost SpiritLegendary +38,200 x153,225 x164,210 x42,500
30% Leaf DoggyCommon +500 x700 x600 x310 27% Leaf KittyCommon +510 x585 x595 x295 25% CornUnique +905 x1,200 x1,390 x515 15% SquirrelRare +985 x1,345 x1,200 x625 3% MooseEpic +1,290 x2,250 x2,515 x1,155 0.08% Demon TreeLegendary +5,450 x16,140 x19,500 x3,500 0.004% Crystal AcornLegendary +8,100 x30,000 x32,260 x6,350 5e-05% Lucid LeafLegendary +18,115 x80,500 x91,150 x28,000
30% Gourd DoggyCommon +550 x750 x650 x380 27% Gourd KittyCommon +590 x655 x645 x340 25% Pumpkin BoiUnique +1,025 x1,290 x1,500 x605 15% StickbugRare +1,135 x1,445 x1,350 x725 2% Scarecrow AngelEpic +1,455 x2,935 x2,815 x1,510 1% Scarecrow UnicornEpic +1,390 x2,750 x2,985 x1,455 0.05% Autumn DragonLegendary +5,750 x17,040 x20,000 x3,750 0.004% Autumnal MasterLegendary +8,500 x31,500 x35,220 x6,850 0.00125% Eternal PumpkinLegendary +10,750 x40,550 x44,455 x9,250 1e-05% Almighty PumpkinLegendary +23,000 x108,630 x104,500 x35,000 4e-06% KoiLegendary +25,555 x111,500 x107,575 x37,500
35.944% 2020 DoggyCommon +1,000 x1,500 x1,220 x380 25% 2020 KittyCommon +1,110 x1,000 x1,410 x410 25% 2020 BunnyUnique +2,150 x2,600 x2,650 x1,370 10% Firework BoiRare +2,850 x4,275 x5,000 x1,850 4% 2020 SplitEpic +3,250 x6,950 x7,420 x2,290 2% 2020 SpriteEpic +3,110 x6,500 x7,600 x2,400 0.05% Neon WyvernLegendary +8,595 x35,500 x39,000 x4,255 0.005% 2020 BlastLegendary +12,555 x44,105 x53,000 x9,500 0.00125% 2020 OverlordLegendary +15,100 x57,500 x68,000 x13,950 3.333e-05% FirecrackerLegendary +36,200 x150,230 x162,900 x39,820 2.5e-06% New Year ChampionLegendary +66,400 x275,560 x298,800 x73,040
35.944% 1B DoggyCommon +1,180 x1,590 x1,320 x450 25% 1B DiscoballUnique +2,350 x2,850 x3,000 x1,500 25% 1B KittyCommon +1,240 x1,400 x1,650 x490 10% 1B SplitRare +2,955 x4,445 x5,190 x2,000 4% 1B AngelEpic +3,350 x7,150 x7,920 x2,500 2% 1B DemonEpic +3,500 x6,900 x8,200 x2,890 0.04% 1B Cake SpiritLegendary +9,150 x38,500 x43,100 x5,000 0.004% 1B ParagonLegendary +13,000 x47,005 x55,055 x10,110 0.00111% 1B MarshmallowLegendary +16,000 x60,250 x72,190 x14,555 6.25e-06% 1B TrophyLegendary +52,600 x218,290 x236,700 x57,860 1e-06% Infinity GemLegendary +89,600 x371,840 x403,200 x98,560
35.944% Love DoggyCommon +1,350 x1,770 x1,550 x590 25% Heartbroken KittyCommon +1,340 x1,890 x1,745 x560 25% Candy HeartUnique +2,750 x3,330 x3,750 x1,975 10% Broken Candy HeartRare +3,610 x5,490 x4,890 x2,650 4% CupidEpic +4,000 x7,950 x8,620 x3,350 2.05% Lovely UnicornEpic +3,710 x8,600 x9,030 x3,500 0.008% Heart SplitLegendary +14,860 x54,110 x63,650 x12,800 0.00125% Love SoulLegendary +18,650 x67,200 x83,125 x16,620 1.25e-05% Harmonic HarpLegendary +54,100 x216,400 x243,450 x59,510 1.25e-05% Love ThiefLegendary +54,100 x216,400 x243,450 x59,510
35.944% Heart DoggyCommon +1,290 x1,650 x1,490 x580 25% Heart KittyCommon +1,210 x1,800 x1,660 x540 25% Gift BoxUnique +2,650 x3,180 x3,450 x1,825 10% Chocolate DropRare +3,400 x5,190 x4,650 x2,490 4% LovewispEpic +3,870 x7,650 x8,220 x2,950 2% Love MessengerEpic +3,410 x8,100 x8,530 x3,000 0.05% Lovely RavenLegendary +10,000 x35,750 x43,100 x5,900 0.008% Darkness RoseLegendary +14,150 x52,410 x60,050 x12,300 0.00125% Chocolate GiftLegendary +18,250 x65,000 x81,525 x16,120 0.0001% Lovely RoseLegendary +40,500 x162,000 x182,250 x45,000 5e-06% Shattered SoulLegendary +65,700 x262,800 x295,650 x72,250
To edit a tab's content, go to Bubble Gum Simulator Wiki:Tab and follow the link to the tab you want to edit.
Event Crates
These Crates were added to the game temporarily and could have been purchased in the Starter Area.
Gum Store
Players can access the Gum Store as soon as they start the game. The store sells Gums , Flavors , and Faces that help them reach higher islands. The Faces were added to the shop in Update 27. They function exactly like Flavors, boosting the bubbles you get.
The Shop , also known as the Gum Store, is the place where a player can buy Gum , Flavors , and Faces . It is located in the Overworld Starter Area . There are also shops located in some of the other worlds.
8,350Super Duper Gum 1,000
10,200Watermelon Flavor +22
400,000Bubble Trouble +100 11,500,000Friendly Pirate +300 25,000,000Green Bubble +565 43,000,000Blue Bubble +645 68,000,000Daring Beard +720 510,000,000Red Tango +2,260 1,020,000,000Red Glowing Eyes +3,050
By standing at any Sell Area, players are able to get an "Infinite" gum capacity. The downside to this is the inability to explore additional zones.
This is the only world where there are 2 Gum Stores .