Bubble Gum Simulator Wiki


Please don't post non-code related and unnecessary posts in this page!
Admins of this site cannot make new codes. Only the Rumble Studios developers can make new codes.

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Codes can give items, boosts, currency, pets, & more. They can be redeemed by inputting the code in the "Codes" tab. Codes can come from Twitter (IsaacRBLX), Discord (rumble), or Twitch ( rumble_studios) accounts. They are not case sensitive.

By subscribing to the Rumble Studios YouTube account and putting the channel ID into the Benefits tab, the player unlocks special perks, such as an exclusive pet, 250 inventory slots, a special title, and 12 hours of luck and hatch speed boosts.

Due to limitations of YouTube's API, only 40,000 channels can be checked per day for if the channel is subscribed. There is no way to bypass this limitation without gaining more API keys.

Some Twitch Codes are redeemable while Rumble Studios is live (Golemite, FrostEgg, CocoaEgg), while others can be redeemed when Rumble is offline (TwitchRelease).

(Note: Twitch Codes are currently unredeemable due to Rumble Studios no longer streaming, along with the codes still being unredeemable if they were to go live, although this may change in the future.)


Code Reward Code Reward
20HourLuck 20 hours of 2x Luck
Update78 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed FrostPortal 6 hours of 2x Luck
SuperSpooky 6 hours of 2x Luck Update77 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
Glitch 6 hours of 2x Luck Update75 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
Easter21 6 hours of 2x Luck Update74 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
Luckiest 6 hours of 2x Luck Update73 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
StPatrickLuck 6 hours of 2x Luck Update72 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
BlizzyrdBest 3 hours of 2x Luck SylentlyBest 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
hiddenvideocode 2 hours of 2x Luck Update71 6 hours of 2x Luck
Valentine 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed LuckyCode 2 hours of 2x Luck
RumbleStream 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed BlizzyWizzy 2 hours of 2x Luck
BGSStream 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed Update70 4 hours of 2x Luck
Royalty 4 hours of 2x Hatch Speed Update68 4 hours of 2x Luck
2020 4 hours of 2x Hatch Speed SANTACLAUS 3 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
CHRISTMASSTREAM 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed SUPERBOOST 3 hours of 2x Luck
JollyChristmas2 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed JollyChristmas 6 hours of 2x Luck
ChristmasPart2 3 hours of 2x Hatch Speed Update67 3 hours of 2x Luck
Christmas2020 2 hours of 2x Luck EpicSecretCode 3 hours of 2x Luck
BGSXMAS 3 hours of 2x Hatch Speed Jonathan 2 hours of 2x Luck
KingSlimeGang 2 hours of 2x Luck KingMushGang 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
ChristmasHype 2 hours of 2x Luck HappyHolidays 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
RUDOLPH 2 hours of 2x Luck MILKANDCOOKIES 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
StreamLuck 2 hours of 2x Luck CANDYCANE 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
StreamSpeed 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed ShinyStream 2 hours of 3x Shiny Chance
MythicStream 2 hours of 3x Mythic Chance SecretVideoCode 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
Update65 2 hours of 2x Luck Split 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
SylentlyOP 2 hours of 2x Luck FreeSpeedBoost 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
YouTubeLuck 3 hours of 2x Luck BlizzyrdOP 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
SuperSecretCode 3 hours of 2x Luck YouTubeSpeed 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
SpookyCode 2 hours of 2x Luck 300k 2 hours of 2x Luck
Youtube 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed Ghosts 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
Update64 2 hours of 2x Luck Costume 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
Update63 2 hours of 2x Luck FreeDominusPet Spookivus
SpookyHalloween 5 hours of 2x Hatch Speed AutumnSale 5 hours of 2x Luck
AutumnSale2 5 hours of 2x Hatch Speed Update61 5 hours of 2x Luck
Autumn 5 hours of 2x Hatch Speed Update60 16 hours of 2x Luck
Citrus 16 hours of 2x Hatch Speed Update59 2 hours of 2x Luck
Vacation 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed Update58 2 hours of 2x Luck
Carnival2 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed Update57 2 hours of 2x Luck
Carnival 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed MegaLuckBoost 12 hours of 2x Luck
MegaSpeedBoost 12 hours of 2x Hatch Speed Update55 2 hours of 2x Luck
SuperSale 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed Update54 6 hours of 2x Luck
Shadow 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed Update53 2 hours of 2x Luck
Meteor 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed Update52 2 hours of 2x Luck
Vine 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed Update51 6 hours of 2x Luck
Spring 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed Update50 2 hours of 2x Luck
Mythic 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed Update49 2 hours of 2x Luck
Merchant 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed Update48 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
Season 8 (Space included) 2 hours of 2x Luck Update47 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
Eeaster2020 (Typo included) 2 hours of 2x Luck Update46 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
Mushroom 2 hours of 2x Luck Update45 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
Mystic 2 hours of 2x Luck Season7 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
NewEgg 2 hours of 2x Luck Challenges 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
Galactic 2 hours of 2x Luck Portal 2 hours of 2x Luck
LuckyDay2 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed FreeSpeed 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
MegaSale 2 hours of 2x Luck 600M 2 hours of 2x Luck
600MBoost 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed Valentines 4 hours of 2x Luck
Cupid 4 hours of 2x Hatch Speed sircfennerNoob 2 hours of 2x Luck
Part2 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed Clown 4 hours of 2x Luck
Circus 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed ChristmasBoost 4 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
HammieIsBadAtRocketLeague 4 hours of 2x Luck FreeHatchSpeed 3 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
Season3 3 hours of 2x Luck Halloween 3 hours of 2x Luck
TrickOrTreat 3 hours of 2x Hatch Speed Pass 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed
Secrets 15 minutes of 3x Shiny Chance BubblePass 15 minutes of 2x Luck
Fancy 15 minutes of 3x Shiny Chance Fancy2 15 minutes of 2x Luck
ReallyFancy 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed 2hourluck 2 hours of 2x Luck
July4th 15 minutes of 2x Luck UncleSam 15 minutes of 3x Shiny Chance
Fireworks 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed Summer 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed
Colorful 15 minutes of 3x Shiny Chance NewWorld 15 minutes of 2x Luck
Kraken 15 minutes of 2x Luck 400m 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed
Thanks 15 minutes of 3x Shiny Chance Mythical 20 minutes of 3x Shiny Chance
Tomcat 5 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed AncientTimes 15 minutes of 3x Shiny Chance
InThePast 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed Ocean 20 minutes of 2x Luck
AtlantisHats 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed SecretLuckCode 15 minutes of 2x Luck
Bunny 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed ChocolateEgg 15 Minutes 3x Shiny Chance
HappyEaster 15 minutes of 2x Luck LostCity 20 minutes of 2x Luck
UnderTheSea 15 minutes of 2x Luck Poseidon 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed
Special 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed Update21 15 minutes of 2x Luck
UltraSpeed 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed FREE 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed
ThankYou 15 minutes of 2x Luck 300M 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed
SpeedyBoi 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed StPatricks 15 minutes of 2x Luck
BriteJuice 5 minutes of 2x Luck SecretCode 15 minutes of 2x Luck
SpeedBoost 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed sircfenneriscool 15 minutes of 2x Luck
SuperBeach 15 minutes of 2x Luck BeachBoost 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed
superspeed 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed Update16 15 minutes of 2x Luck
LuckyDay 30 minutes of 2x Luck FreeBoost 30 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed
SylentlyIsCool 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed SuperLuck 15 minutes of 2x Luck
DeeterPlays 5,000 Blocks SuperSecret 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed
SecretBoost 10 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed ExtraLuck 10 minutes of 2x Luck
SecretPet Toy Serpent pinkarmypet 5,000 Gems
FreePet Twitter Dominus MoreCandy 4,000 Candy
Candy 1,000 Candy BlueCrew 5,000 Gems
Twiisted 5,000 Gems Santa 2,000 Candy Canes
Sylently 10,000 Candy Canes Christmas 5,000 Candy Canes
CandyCanes 100 Candy Canes SuperCoins 1,000 Coins
SuperGems 100 Gems Spotted Spotted Egg
FreeCoins 150 Coins LotsOfGems 25 Gems
FreeEgg Spotted Egg TwitterRelease Twitter Egg (Twitter Doggy)
Sircfenner Spotted Egg Tofuu 5,000 Coins
ObscureEntity 500 Coins Minime 2,500 Coins
TwitchRelease Twitch Kitty Golemite Twitch Golem