Please don't post non-code related and unnecessary posts in this page!
Admins of this site cannot make new codes. Only the Rumble Studios developers can make new codes.
Codes can give items, boosts, currency, pets, & more. They can be redeemed by inputting the code in the "Codes" tab. Codes can come from Twitter (IsaacRBLX), Discord (rumble), or Twitch ( rumble_studios) accounts. They are not case sensitive.
By subscribing to the Rumble Studios YouTube account and putting the channel ID into the Benefits tab, the player unlocks special perks, such as an exclusive pet, 250 inventory slots, a special title, and 12 hours of luck and hatch speed boosts.
Due to limitations of YouTube's API, only 40,000 channels can be checked per day for if the channel is subscribed. There is no way to bypass this limitation without gaining more API keys.
Some Twitch Codes are redeemable while Rumble Studios is live (Golemite, FrostEgg, CocoaEgg), while others can be redeemed when Rumble is offline (TwitchRelease).
(Note: Twitch Codes are currently unredeemable due to Rumble Studios no longer streaming, along with the codes still being unredeemable if they were to go live, although this may change in the future.)
- Codes in this color are valid.
- Codes in this color are invalid.
- Codes in this color are Twitch-exclusive.
- Codes in this color are from the latest update.
Code | Reward | Code | Reward |
20HourLuck | 20 hours of 2x Luck | ||
Update78 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | FrostPortal | 6 hours of 2x Luck |
SuperSpooky | 6 hours of 2x Luck | Update77 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Glitch | 6 hours of 2x Luck | Update75 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Easter21 | 6 hours of 2x Luck | Update74 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Luckiest | 6 hours of 2x Luck | Update73 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
StPatrickLuck | 6 hours of 2x Luck | Update72 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
BlizzyrdBest | 3 hours of 2x Luck | SylentlyBest | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
hiddenvideocode | 2 hours of 2x Luck | Update71 | 6 hours of 2x Luck |
Valentine | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | LuckyCode | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
RumbleStream | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | BlizzyWizzy | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
BGSStream | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Update70 | 4 hours of 2x Luck |
Royalty | 4 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Update68 | 4 hours of 2x Luck |
2020 | 4 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | SANTACLAUS | 3 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
CHRISTMASSTREAM | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | SUPERBOOST | 3 hours of 2x Luck |
JollyChristmas2 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | JollyChristmas | 6 hours of 2x Luck |
ChristmasPart2 | 3 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Update67 | 3 hours of 2x Luck |
Christmas2020 | 2 hours of 2x Luck | EpicSecretCode | 3 hours of 2x Luck |
BGSXMAS | 3 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Jonathan | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
KingSlimeGang | 2 hours of 2x Luck | KingMushGang | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
ChristmasHype | 2 hours of 2x Luck | HappyHolidays | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
RUDOLPH | 2 hours of 2x Luck | MILKANDCOOKIES | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
StreamLuck | 2 hours of 2x Luck | CANDYCANE | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
StreamSpeed | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | ShinyStream | 2 hours of 3x Shiny Chance |
MythicStream | 2 hours of 3x Mythic Chance | SecretVideoCode | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Update65 | 2 hours of 2x Luck | Split | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
SylentlyOP | 2 hours of 2x Luck | FreeSpeedBoost | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
YouTubeLuck | 3 hours of 2x Luck | BlizzyrdOP | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
SuperSecretCode | 3 hours of 2x Luck | YouTubeSpeed | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
SpookyCode | 2 hours of 2x Luck | 300k | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
Youtube | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Ghosts | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Update64 | 2 hours of 2x Luck | Costume | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Update63 | 2 hours of 2x Luck | FreeDominusPet | Spookivus |
SpookyHalloween | 5 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | AutumnSale | 5 hours of 2x Luck |
AutumnSale2 | 5 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Update61 | 5 hours of 2x Luck |
Autumn | 5 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Update60 | 16 hours of 2x Luck |
Citrus | 16 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Update59 | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
Vacation | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Update58 | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
Carnival2 | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Update57 | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
Carnival | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | MegaLuckBoost | 12 hours of 2x Luck |
MegaSpeedBoost | 12 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Update55 | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
SuperSale | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Update54 | 6 hours of 2x Luck |
Shadow | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Update53 | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
Meteor | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Update52 | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
Vine | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Update51 | 6 hours of 2x Luck |
Spring | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Update50 | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
Mythic | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Update49 | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
Merchant | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Update48 | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Season 8 (Space included) | 2 hours of 2x Luck | Update47 | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Eeaster2020 (Typo included) | 2 hours of 2x Luck | Update46 | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Mushroom | 2 hours of 2x Luck | Update45 | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Mystic | 2 hours of 2x Luck | Season7 | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
NewEgg | 2 hours of 2x Luck | Challenges | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Galactic | 2 hours of 2x Luck | Portal | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
LuckyDay2 | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | FreeSpeed | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
MegaSale | 2 hours of 2x Luck | 600M | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
600MBoost | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Valentines | 4 hours of 2x Luck |
Cupid | 4 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | sircfennerNoob | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
Part2 | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Clown | 4 hours of 2x Luck |
Circus | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | ChristmasBoost | 4 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
HammieIsBadAtRocketLeague | 4 hours of 2x Luck | FreeHatchSpeed | 3 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Season3 | 3 hours of 2x Luck | Halloween | 3 hours of 2x Luck |
TrickOrTreat | 3 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Pass | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed |
Secrets | 15 minutes of 3x Shiny Chance | BubblePass | 15 minutes of 2x Luck |
Fancy | 15 minutes of 3x Shiny Chance | Fancy2 | 15 minutes of 2x Luck |
ReallyFancy | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | 2hourluck | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
July4th | 15 minutes of 2x Luck | UncleSam | 15 minutes of 3x Shiny Chance |
Fireworks | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | Summer | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed |
Colorful | 15 minutes of 3x Shiny Chance | NewWorld | 15 minutes of 2x Luck |
Kraken | 15 minutes of 2x Luck | 400m | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed |
Thanks | 15 minutes of 3x Shiny Chance | Mythical | 20 minutes of 3x Shiny Chance |
Tomcat | 5 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | AncientTimes | 15 minutes of 3x Shiny Chance |
InThePast | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | Ocean | 20 minutes of 2x Luck |
AtlantisHats | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | SecretLuckCode | 15 minutes of 2x Luck |
Bunny | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | ChocolateEgg | 15 Minutes 3x Shiny Chance |
HappyEaster | 15 minutes of 2x Luck | LostCity | 20 minutes of 2x Luck |
UnderTheSea | 15 minutes of 2x Luck | Poseidon | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed |
Special | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | Update21 | 15 minutes of 2x Luck |
UltraSpeed | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | FREE | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed |
ThankYou | 15 minutes of 2x Luck | 300M | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed |
SpeedyBoi | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | StPatricks | 15 minutes of 2x Luck |
BriteJuice | 5 minutes of 2x Luck | SecretCode | 15 minutes of 2x Luck |
SpeedBoost | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | sircfenneriscool | 15 minutes of 2x Luck |
SuperBeach | 15 minutes of 2x Luck | BeachBoost | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed |
superspeed | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | Update16 | 15 minutes of 2x Luck |
LuckyDay | 30 minutes of 2x Luck | FreeBoost | 30 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed |
SylentlyIsCool | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | SuperLuck | 15 minutes of 2x Luck |
DeeterPlays | 5,000 Blocks | SuperSecret | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed |
SecretBoost | 10 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | ExtraLuck | 10 minutes of 2x Luck |
SecretPet | Toy Serpent | pinkarmypet | 5,000 Gems |
FreePet | Twitter Dominus | MoreCandy | 4,000 Candy |
Candy | 1,000 Candy | BlueCrew | 5,000 Gems |
Twiisted | 5,000 Gems | Santa | 2,000 Candy Canes |
Sylently | 10,000 Candy Canes | Christmas | 5,000 Candy Canes |
CandyCanes | 100 Candy Canes | SuperCoins | 1,000 Coins |
SuperGems | 100 Gems | Spotted | Spotted Egg |
FreeCoins | 150 Coins | LotsOfGems | 25 Gems |
FreeEgg | Spotted Egg | TwitterRelease | Twitter Egg (Twitter Doggy) |
Sircfenner | Spotted Egg | Tofuu | 5,000 Coins |
ObscureEntity | 500 Coins | Minime | 2,500 Coins |
TwitchRelease | Twitch Kitty | Golemite | Twitch Golem |
Code | Reward | Code | Reward |
20HourLuck | 20 hours of 2x Luck | FrostPortal | 6 hours of 2x Luck |
SuperSpooky | 6 hours of 2x Luck | Glitch | 6 hours of 2x Luck |
Easter21 | 6 hours of 2x Luck | Luckiest | 6 hours of 2x Luck |
StPatrickLuck | 6 hours of 2x Luck | hiddenvideocode | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
BlizzyrdBest | 3 hours of 2x Luck | Update71 | 6 hours of 2x Luck |
LuckyCode | 2 hours of 2x Luck | BlizzyWizzy | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
Update70 | 4 hours of 2x Luck | Update68 | 4 hours of 2x Luck |
SUPERBOOST | 3 hours of 2x Luck | JollyChristmas | 6 hours of 2x Luck |
Update67 | 3 hours of 2x Luck | Christmas2020 | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
EpicSecretCode | 3 hours of 2x Luck | Jonathan | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
ChristmasHype | 2 hours of 2x Luck | RUDOLPH | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
Update65 | 2 hours of 2x Luck | Update60 | 16 hours of 2x Luck |
MegaLuckBoost | 12 hours of 2x Luck | Update54 | 6 hours of 2x Luck |
Update51 | 6 hours of 2x Luck | AutumnSale | 5 hours of 2x Luck |
Update61 | 5 hours of 2x Luck | Valentines | 4 hours of 2x Luck |
Clown | 4 hours of 2x Luck | HammieIsBadAtRocketLeague | 4 hours of 2x Luck |
SuperSecretCode | 3 hours of 2x Luck | YouTubeLuck | 3 hours of 2x Luck |
Season3 | 3 hours of 2x Luck | SylentlyOP | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
Halloween | 3 hours of 2x Luck | SuperSecretCode | 3 hours of 2x Luck |
SylentlyOP | 2 hours of 2x Luck | SpookyCode | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
Update64 | 2 hours of 2x Luck | Update63 | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
Update59 | 2 hours of 2x Luck | Update58 | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
Update57 | 2 hours of 2x Luck | Update55 | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
Update53 | 2 hours of 2x Luck | Update52 | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
Update50 | 2 hours of 2x Luck | Update49 | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
Season 8 (Space included) | 2 hours of 2x Luck | Eeaster2020 (Typo included) | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
Mushroom | 2 hours of 2x Luck | Mystic | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
NewEgg | 2 hours of 2x Luck | Galactic | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
Portal | 2 hours of 2x Luck | MegaSale | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
600M | 2 hours of 2x Luck | sircfennerNoob | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
Update64 | 2 hours of 2x Luck | 2hourluck | 2 hours of 2x Luck |
300k | 2 hours of 2x Luck | LuckyDay | 30 minutes of 2x Luck |
LostCity | 20 minutes of 2x Luck | Ocean | 20 minutes of 2x Luck |
BubblePass | 15 minutes of 2x Luck | Fancy2 | 15 minutes of 2x Luck |
July4th | 15 minutes of 2x Luck | NewWorld | 15 minutes of 2x Luck |
Kraken | 15 minutes of 2x Luck | SecretLuckCode | 15 minutes of 2x Luck |
HappyEaster | 15 minutes of 2x Luck | UnderTheSea | 15 minutes of 2x Luck |
Update21 | 15 minutes of 2x Luck | ThankYou | 15 minutes of 2x Luck |
StPatricks | 15 minutes of 2x Luck | SecretCode | 15 minutes of 2x Luck |
sircfenneriscool | 15 minutes of 2x Luck | SuperBeach | 15 minutes of 2x Luck |
Update16 | 15 minutes of 2x Luck | SuperLuck | 15 minutes of 2x Luck |
ExtraLuck | 10 minutes of 2x Luck | BriteJuice | 5 minutes of 2x Luck |
Code | Reward | Code | Reward |
Update78 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Update77 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Update75 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Update74 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Update73 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Update72 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
SylentlyBest | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Valentine | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
BGSStream | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | RumbleStream | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Royalty | 4 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | 2020 | 4 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
CHRISTMASSTREAM | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | SANTACLAUS | 3 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
JollyChristmas2 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | ChristmasPart2 | 3 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
BGSXMAS | 3 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | KingMushGang | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
MILKANDCOOKIES | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | HappyHolidays | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
CANDYCANE | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Split | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Citrus | 16 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | MegaSpeedBoost | 12 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Spring | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Shadow | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
AutumnSale2 | 5 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Autumn | 5 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
SpookyHalloween | 5 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Cupid | 4 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
ChristmasBoost | 4 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | TrickOrTreat | 3 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
FreeHatchSpeed | 3 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | FreeSpeedBoost | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
BlizzyrdOP | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | YouTubeSpeed | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Youtube | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Ghosts | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Costume | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Merchant | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Update48 | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Update47 | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Mythic | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Vacation | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Carnival2 | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Carnival | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
SuperSale | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Circus | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Part2 | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | 600MBoost | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
LuckyDay2 | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | FreeSpeed | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Challenges | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Season7 | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Update45 | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Update46 | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Vine | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed | Meteor | 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
SecretBoost | 30 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | Fireworks | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed |
Summer | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | Bunny | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed |
AtlantisHats | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | SuperSecret | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed |
SylentlyIsCool | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | BeachBoost | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed |
superspeed | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | SpeedBoost | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed |
SpeedyBoi | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | 300M | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed |
UltraSpeed | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | FREE | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed |
Poseidon | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | Special | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed |
InThePast | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | 400m | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed |
ReallyFancy | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | Pass | 15 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed |
SecretBoost | 10 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed | Tomcat | 5 minutes of 2x Hatch Speed |
Code | Reward | Code | Reward |
Mythical | 20 minutes of 3x Shiny Chance | AncientTimes | 15 minutes of 3x Shiny Chance |
ChocolateEgg | 15 Minutes 3x Shiny Chance | Colorful | 15 minutes of 3x Shiny Chance |
Fancy | 15 minutes of 3x Shiny Chance | Thanks | 15 minutes of 3x Shiny Chance |
Secrets | 15 minutes of 3x Shiny Chance | UncleSam | 15 minutes of 3x Shiny Chance |
Code | Reward | Code | Reward |
FreeDominusPet | Spookivus | SecretPet | Toy Serpent |
FreePet | Twitter Dominus | TwitterRelease | Twitter Doggy |
TwitchRelease | Twitch Kitty | Golemite | Twitch Golem |
Code | Reward | Code | Reward |
Sircfenner | Spotted Egg | ||
Spotted | Spotted Egg | FreeEgg | Spotted Egg |
Code | Reward | Code | Reward |
DeeterPlays | 5,000 Blocks |
Code | Reward | Code | Reward |
MoreCandy | 4,000 Candy | Candy | 1,000 Candy |
Code | Reward | Code | Reward |
Sylently | 10,000 Candy Canes | Christmas | 5,000 Candy Canes |
Santa | 2,000 Candy Canes | CandyCanes | 100 Candy Canes |
Code | Reward | Code | Reward |
pinkarmypet | 5,000 Gems | ||
BlueCrew | 5,000 Gems | Twiisted | 5,000 Gems |
SuperGems | 100 Gems | LotsOfGems | 25 Gems |
Code | Reward | Code | Reward |
Tofuu | 5,000 Coins | ||
Minime | 2,500 Coins | SuperCoins | 1,000 Coins |
ObscureEntity | 500 Coins | FreeCoins | 150 Coins |